A rebrand that is more of a misplaced whisper than a shout.
Two years ago, Macy's unveiled its 5-part strategic plan to infuse success into the downward trending retailer. Since then, central elements of the plan like Market by Macy's are hanging in limbo.
So, Does Polaris Create a Competitive Advantage?
I believe Macy’s long-term sustainable competitive advantage (LTSCA) could be found in service through their new form of event-focused customer discovery and unique food service. Additionally, Macy’s could find an advantage in their new small-format locations if their launch in suburban and college areas proves successful. Another source of advantage could be the exclusivity of their private label brands. Macy’s has also developed an inclusive, yet tiered, consumer loyalty program update to Macy’s Star Rewards which features silver, gold, and platinum members with exclusive benefits.
However, I’m not sure if these are strong competitive advantages because it is hard to determine the expected emotions and quality of the Macy’s and associated brands, as well as where Macy’s falls among other retail brands making shifts like Nordstrom or Saks. I think Macy’s is also doing a poor job of publicizing these adjustments.