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A deep dive into who gets ahead, and behind, in the newest retail shift.

For my honors learning-by-contract project, I conducted in-depth research into Macy’s retail strategy, which is currently in the middle of a multi-year overhaul. I find their decision to close one-fifth of their stores interesting, especially as many of these shopping centers are tied into the local communities and their prosperity. Furthermore, I was curious to learn more about how this change benefits a store that so heavily relied on physical retail experiences for most of their history. I investigated how they are planning to create new retail experiences that capture their original brand while staying relevant. Also, I examined whether they are planning to be lagging adopters of existing retail trends or if they plan to overcorrect and become early adopters of more accelerated retail trends. This focused investigation was a relevant extension of the retail marketing course. As this course covers a broad range of topics, this project allowed me to expand upon a range of course competencies across my study of Macy’s new strategic retail plan. 

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